Thursday, November 8, 2018

Speech about Mobile Phones

Greetings fellow colleagues,
Today, I speak to you of a threat we are all facing: cyber control. Nowadays, some people find it abnormal, others shameful, for someone not to be part of all the latest social networking sites, let alone not owning a phone. These two elements have been growing into a disease. Our virtual life is growing so strong in us that it began replacing our real lives. Now, you wave to people via “messenger”, talk to them using “chats” and see them in “video calls”. Not only does this affect our physical health, but it also touches our mental health. It lures us out of character, which is why parents often see changes in their children a while after handing them their first phones. Now one of these changes I have noticed watching my entourage and myself. Being an active phone user, you would feel as if you were deprived of a limb, or even of a part of your own heart once your phone is taken from you. This shows that today’s mobile phone makers have in fact made a parasite that nourishes on want we want instead of what we want. Of course, they couldn’t care any less about us since they are getting paid anyways. Now wouldn’t it be interesting if I would tell you that the problem and its own demise lie in us? We WANT them to affect us, to feel more… integrated and to feel more pleasure. But, on the other hand, if we DON’T WANT them to affect us, they can’t do anything about it. After all, they don’t force us to buy their products. Dear colleagues, do think about it.
                                                                                Thank you.

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